Regulatory & Compliance
We live in an increasingly regulated world and the cost of non-conformance with statutory regulations is very high.
It is challenging for organizations to ensure that their staff is aware of policies and regulations. However, limiting compliance awareness to short term recall and assessment will not have a long-term impact on your employee’s day-to-day actions.

Adherence to regulatory and compliance requirements can be challenging because of the following reasons:
- Sustainability – Training sessions focus only on immediate recall and assessment without offering a solution to sustaining the impact beyond the training event.
- Consistency – With large audiences, it is challenging to ensure that everyone receives the same message in a consistent and cost-effective manner.
- Support – Providing employees with the requisite support infrastructure to help them with compliance issues on the job.
- Proof of Completion – It is critical that businesses have proofs of completion for compliance training and a systemized assessment and evaluation methodology to certify employees.

We at SKILD understand the importance of compliance and policies for your organization.
To ensure your staff is well trained on regulatory and compliance requirements of the job, we suggest:
- Change Management – Behavior cannot be changed overnight. We know that it takes a sustained campaign to get people charged up to accept change.
- Build Sustainability – This starts with the training itself. Design learning that helps people overcome real challenges by providing them with links to internal resources, communities, and portals.
- Support – Developing portals and communities for your learners can have positive impact by reinforcing desired behaviors as well as for sourcing solutions when the answer may not be clear.